Robin Millar MP with Dr Mike Bloom (centre) and Rt Hon Steve Barclay MP, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care (right)
Robin Millar AS gyda Dr Mike Bloom (canol) a’r Gwir Anrhydeddus Steve Barclay AS, yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol (dde)
As part of a series of events to celebrate 75 years of the NHS, Aberconwy MP Robin Millar accompanied Cluster Lead of Conwy West GPs, Dr Mike Bloom, to a special NHS Champions reception in 10 Downing Street.
Dr Bloom was recognised for his work in supporting the vaccine rollout for residents of care homes from Conwy to Rhyl during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Commenting on the reception, Dr Bloom said:
“It was a privilege to be recognised in this way and visiting Number 10 Downing Street was certainly a unique experience.
“The vaccine rollout across North Wales, and indeed all that we deliver in the NHS, is only possible though a vast team effort. This recognition is a recognition of all those efforts and so I’d like to thank this opportunity to thank my team and colleagues for their efforts. They are an inspiration to the communities that they serve.”
Following the reception, Robin said:
“I’m delighted that Dr Bloom, representing GPs and NHS staff across North Wales, has been recognised in this way and it was a pleasure to accompany him to Downing Street and to learn more about his work and the work of NHS teams throughout Aberconwy.
“GPs provide an invaluable service to so many people, but I understand the very real challenges that they are facing on a daily basis. I will continue to work to support the staff of the NHS and to provide better access to healthcare for residents and I would like to take this opportunity to thank, once again, the fantastic NHS working in Aberconwy and throughout North Wales.”
Cydnabod Gwaith Meddygon Teulu Gorllewin Conwy yn 10 Stryd Downing
Fel rhan o gyfres o ddigwyddiadau i ddathlu 75 mlynedd o’r GIG, aeth Robin Millar AS Aberconwy gydag Arweinydd Clwstwr Meddygon Teulu Gorllewin Conwy, Dr Mike Bloom, i dderbyniad Pencampwyr GIG arbennig yn 10 Stryd Downing.
Cafodd Dr Bloom ei gydnabod am ei waith yn cefnogi’r ymdrech i gyflwyno’r brechlyn i breswylwyr cartrefi gofal o Gonwy i’r Rhyl yn ystod pandemig Covid-19.
Wrth sôn am y derbyniad, dywedodd Dr Bloom:
“Roedd hi’n fraint cael ein cydnabod fel hyn ac roedd ymweld â Rhif 10 Stryd Downing yn bendant yn brofiad unigryw.
“Dim ond drwy ymdrech tîm enfawr roedd modd cyflwyno’r brechlyn ar draws y Gogledd, ac mewn gwirionedd hynny sydd i gyfrif am bopeth rydyn ni’n ei gyflawni yn y GIG. Mae’r gydnabyddiaeth hon yn cydnabod yr holl ymdrechion hynny, felly hoffwn achub ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch i’m tîm a’m cydweithwyr am eu hymdrechion. Maen nhw’n ysbrydoliaeth i’r cymunedau maen nhw’n eu gwasanaethu.”
Ar ôl y derbyniad, dywedodd Robin:
“Rwy’n falch iawn bod Dr Bloom, sy’n cynrychioli meddygon teulu a staff y GIG ar draws Gogledd Cymru, wedi cael ei gydnabod fel hyn ac roedd yn bleser mynd gydag ef i Stryd Downing a dysgu rhagor am ei waith a gwaith timau’r GIG ar draws Aberconwy.
“Mae meddygon teulu’n darparu gwasanaeth amhrisiadwy i gynifer o bobl, ond rwy’n deall yr heriau go iawn maen nhw’n eu hwynebu bob dydd. Byddaf yn parhau i weithio i gefnogi staff y GIG a darparu gwell mynediad at ofal iechyd i breswylwyr a hoffwn fanteisio ar y cyfle hwn i ddiolch, unwaith eto, i’r GIG gwych sy’n gweithio yn Aberconwy ac ar draws y Gogledd.”