The New Curriculum, Education Policy and Schooling in Wales

I weld yr hwn yn Gymraeg cliciwch yma

The new Curriculum for Wales was introduced in primary schools (for all years) and secondary schools (starting with year 7, growing through the school year by year) in September 2022. All learners from ages 3 to 16 years must participate in the Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) element of the curriculum as it rolls out over the next 3 years.

This has generated much public interest, political debate and press comment. It has also generated many questions from the parents, teachers and governors who are responsible for children in their care and the delivery of the Curriculum.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's education or your role within the school then the first place to raise this is with the school using the channels and processes they have in place.

These pages have been created in response to questions I have been asked by constituents in Aberconwy and those with children in schools within the constituency.

These pages are not intended to be comprehensive. They will change and develop over time. They include links to more information and may be helpful for parents, governors and teachers.

If you have any suggestions or concerns about the content of these pages then you can email me here.

Click on any of the headings to get started...

Why is this important?

This section is intended to give you an introduction. It includes:

  • Some common questions and why these web pages have been written
  • An explanation of the three broad strands of the RSE curriculum in Wales (relationships and identity; sexual health and well-being; empowerment, safety, and respect)
  • The development and introduction of the new Curriculum in Wales
  • How school values have an effect on school policies, the school curriculum and more

Are you a parent or carer?

This section may be helpful for parents and carers who have a vital role to play in their child's education. It sets out:

  • The role of parents and carers in their child's RSE
  • The legal requirement since September 2022 for your child to participate in RSE
  • How you can find out about the values of your child's school, its policies, curriculum and more
  • How you can find out what is being taught in your child's school and how the school will deliver RSE
  • Some simple resources that may be helpful for you

Are you a teacher? 

The new Curriculum for Wales presents teachers with big opportunities and big challenges. This section highlights some of the questions teachers have raised with me:

  • Are teachers properly equipped to deliver the new RSE curriculum?
  • How do I determine what is "developmentally appropriate" for students?
  • How can I ensure proper and effective safeguarding of children and young people?
  • What are the limits of my professional abilities and duties?
  • Where can I go for advice and guidance on these points, the law and more?

Are you a governor? 

School governors and the head teacher are responsible for setting the values and principles of the school community. This section sets out:

  • How can I check that school facilities and policy comply with Equality legislation (Equality Act 2010)?
  • How can I encourage partnership working between the school and families?
  • The duty to ensure and promote the wellbeing of all students
  • The involvement of the governing body for teaching strategies and policies.

More from me

As your Member of Parliament, I want to represent your concerns and I have taken the opportunity to speak about the issues relating to RSE. This section includes some relevant comments and statements I have made in the press and online.

More information

Organisations across the UK continue to monitor the decisions made by policy-makers and the impact these have upon students, teachers and parents. This section includes their research findings and their guidance for teachers and schools.


This page was last updated on 20th March 2023.
