This week Llandudno was listed by the online travel giant as one of the most popular destinations in the world to visit.
Now the world knows what we all know – Llandudno, the Queen of the Welsh resorts – is truly one of the finest seaside destinations anywhere in the world.
The United Kingdom is one of the most visited countries and I am delighted that Llandudno is now such a prominent feature of the UK’s global offer.
Tourism is at the heart of Llandudno’s economy, and to the wider economy of Aberconwy and North Wales. Throughout the pandemic businesses, especially those in the tourism and hospitality sector, have endured forced closures and restrictions and I am so impressed at the way in which so many are recovering and have risen to the challenges of welcoming record visitor numbers over the summer months.
The UK Government has supported businesses in Wales through unprecedented packages of financial support including the furlough scheme, Bounce Back Loans and Conornavirus Business and Interuption Loans. £8 billion has been provided to the Welsh Government allow it to provide grants and a 100% discount on business rates.
The UK Government has helped to protect business throughout the worst economic crisis that we have faced in three centuries. I look forward to working with the Government, and with businesses, to secure further investment for tourism, including in modern and reliable transport services, to help the sector to continue its impressive recovery and to flourish once again.
Rydyn ni’n gwybod – ac mae’r byd i gyd bellach yn gwybod!
Yr wythnos hon cafodd Llandudno ei rhestru gan – cwmni teithio enfawr ar-lein – fel un o’r lleoliadau mwyaf poblogaidd yn y byd i ymwelwyr.
Erbyn hyn, mae’r byd i gyd yn gwybod beth mae pob un ohonom ni’n ei wybod – sef mai Llandudno, Brenhines Trefi Glan Môr Cymru, yw un o’r lleoliadau glan môr gorau yn y byd.
Y Deyrnas Unedig yw un o’r gwledydd sy’n denu’r nifer mwyaf o ymwelwyr, ac rydw i’n falch iawn bod Llandudno bellach yn rhan mor amlwg o’r hyn sydd gan y DU i’w gynnig i’r byd.
Mae twristiaeth yn rhan gwbl ganolog o economi Llandudno, ac o economi ehangach Aberconwy a Gogledd Cymru. Drwy gydol y pandemig mae busnesau – yn enwedig y rheini yn y sector twristiaeth a lletygarwch – wedi gorfod cau a delio â chyfyngiadau. Mae’r ffordd mae cymaint ohonyn nhw’n ailgodi ar eu traed, ac wedi ymateb i’r her o groesawu mwy o ymwelwyr nag erioed o’r blaen dros fisoedd yr haf, wedi gwneud argraff fawr arna i.
Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi helpu busnesau yng Nghymru drwy becynnau cymorth ariannol nad ydym wedi gweld eu tebyg o’r blaen, gan gynnwys y cynllun ffyrlo, Benthyciadau Adfer a Benthyciadau Tarfu ar Fusnes yn sgil y Coronafeirws. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi cael £8 biliwn er mwyn gallu darparu grantiau a disgownt o 100% ar ardrethi busnes.
Mae Llywodraeth y DU wedi helpu i ddiogelu busnesau drwy gydol yr argyfwng economaidd gwaethaf i ni ei wynebu ers tair canrif. Rydw i’n edrych ymlaen at weithio gyda’r Llywodraeth, a gyda busnesau, i sicrhau rhagor o fuddsoddiad ar gyfer twristiaeth, gan gynnwys mewn gwasanaethau trafnidiaeth modern a dibynadwy er mwyn helpu’r sector i barhau â’i adferiad gwefreiddiol ac i ffynnu unwaith eto.